

WHIMS is an equipment that uses magnetic properties to separate paramagnetic minerals from other minerals in mineral materials. This equipment can be used to separate materials with weak and medium magnetic properties and thus remove magnetic waste from non-magnetic materials. In general, the high-intensity magnetic separator is suitable for separating fine-grained materials and is designed in two wet and dry modes.

Wet high intensity magnetic separator

WHIMS combines magnetic forces, pulp oscillation and gravity to beneficiate minerals with weak magnetic properties such as hematite, martite, limonite, titanomagnetite containing vanadium, manganese and ilmenite. It has purification feature for non-magnetic minerals such as kaolin, quartz, feldspar, nepheline, fluorite, ceramics, etc. This equipment is basically more suitable for fine particles.

Dry high intensity magnetic separator

Dry high intensity magnetic separators usually have a magnetic yoke that acts against gravity and centrifugal forces. In the magnetic bed, magnet arrangements with different dimensions and field intensities are usually used to create a high gradient. This equipment has various applications in the separation of minerals such as coal.

Main features

High efficiency

Low operating cost

Low repair costs

High capacity

Advanced design




Ferrous metal ore

Nonferrous metal ore

Rare earth metal

Aluminum industries


Removing iron (up to 7%) from raw materials to produce refractory materials that contain significant amounts of iron minerals.

Ferrous metal ore

Processing and recovery of hematite, limonite, siderite, chromite and manganese minerals

Aluminum industries

Removal of iron from bauxite soil in alumina production process

Nonferrous metal ore

  • Separation of wolframite from quartz
  • Separation of magnetic pyrite from cassiterite in a polymetallic sulphide ore
  • Separation of cassiterite and wolframite from limonite
  • Separation of tungsten and wolframite from limonite

Rare earth metal

  • Recovery of titanium-bearing iron minerals, iron and tantalum-niobium, lithium mica, monazite and yttrium-bearing phosphorus minerals
  • Isolation of lithium pyroxene from hornblende
  • Separation of tantalum from niobium
  • Separation of iron mineral from microlite
  • Separation of rutile from garnet

The main components of WHIMS equipment

In the opposite figure, the different components of the high intensity magnetic separator are displayed. The high intensity magnetic separator equipment
1) Flushing Water
2) Concentrate launder
3) Level Indicator
4) Tailing Tank
5) Pulsation System
6) Water Collector
7) Coil
8) Ring & Matrix

It should be mentioned that FMS has the ability to manufacture magnetic separators with high intensity in all three scales: laboratory, pilot and industrial.


Work principles

By injecting DC current, a high intensity magnetic field up to 22000 intensity is induced on the surface of the ring matrix while rotating in the field region. High intensity magnetic field is suitable for concentration of minerals with weak magnetic properties as well as purification of non-magnetic minerals. First, the pulp enters the separation area. When the magnetic particles pass through the matrix induced by the high magnetic field intensity, they are absorbed on the surface of the matrix and then leave the separation area together with the ring.

In this case, the high intensity magnetic field disappears immediately after leaving the separation zone. After the separation, most of the magnetic particles absorbed are transferred into the concentrate launder and the low pressure rinse water is sprayed directly on the rim in the outlet area. Non-magnetic particles pass through the matrix with water and are directed out through the waste outlet.

During separation, the pulsation unit causes the pulp surface to oscillate and move up and down. In this case, the particles absorbed on the surface of the matrix are washed and the particles in the pulp stay away from each other. In this way, by providing the oscillation of the particles and thus their suspension, the flocculant of the particles is prevented, which causes this phenomenon. Achieving high recovery is desirable along with grade. Oscillating motion also prevents particles from getting stuck in the matrix and blinding it.

This device is designed and manufactured depending on the type of mineral and its separation process in different field intensities, which is widely used in various industries, especially in mining industries. FMS has the ability to produce high intensity magnetic separators with an intensity of 500 It has up to 15000 intensity.