Roller Screen (RS)


Roller Screen (RS)

Roller screen or RS is an equipment that is used for sizing and transfer of materials in the mining industry.

roller screen

This equipment has a number of rotating rolls. The rotation cause the materials pass over them to be sized and transferred. In this equipment, the rolls are placed next to each other with a certain and adjustable distance so the materials pass through the space between them, while passing over the rolls, the sizing is also done at the same time.

Due to the nature of the rotation of the rolls and the gentle movement of the material on the rolls, roller screen can be used to transfer fragile materials with high humidity, while the vibrating conveyor cannot be used for this type of material.

Roller screens are divided into the following two types in terms of movement mechanism:

Multi drive roller screen

Single drive roller screen 

In single drive roller screen, all rolls are connected to a gearbox using a chain and similar sprockets, while in multi drive roller screen, each roll is rotated by a separate gearbox. Fast and easy maintenance is the main advantage of multi drive roller screen over single drive roller screen , while single drive roller screen  has smaller dimensions and less weight.

Roller screens are divided into the following three types in terms of operation mechanism:



Roller feeder



Roller feeder

Rollers Screen2 e1690100295727
Rollers Screen

Roller screen rolls

Stainless steel 304

Stainless steel CA6NM

SF80 coating

AF190 coating

Advantages of FMS roller screens

Resistant coatings of AF190 rolls that increase the life of the rolls up to 2 years

Using the guard shaft in multi-drive roller screens by compensating for the high misalignment of the gearbox and roll axis instead of coupling

Uniform distribution of the concentrate on the surface of the roller screen in scalpers due to the installation of the spreader system

Using special polymer coatings with high resistance to impact and wear for roller screen rolls

Using the concentrate pressure system to the roll in scalpers in order to prevent the concentrate from entering the scalping section.