mineral sampling
In mineral processing operations, the most important part of the operation is process performance monitoring, which requires continuous mineral sampling.

mineral sampling
The implementation of a mining project (exploratory, extractive, ore dressing and processing) is impossible without sampling operation due to the scope of its operations and the level of reliability of primary data, and optimal sampling as well as correct preparation of samples is actually the first brick of mining operation. Errors in this step, especially systematic errors, will have adverse effects. Careful investigation has shown that part of the weaknesses of failed projects and unexpected results are rooted in sampling and preparation errors.
In the mineral processing operation, the most important part of the operation is the monitoring of the process performance, which requires continuous sampling, therefore, sampling is very important. Proportion and quality distribution of the sample to be tested (specific gravity, grade, sizing, moisture, mineralogy and recoverability) should be the same both in the mass and in the sample.
mineral sampling operation
Sampling operations in mineral processing plants are usually done continuously and non-continuously. In the continuous operation of the non-stop production line, material sampling is done, which is much more practical than non-continuous sampling because it reduces production line stops and also greatly reduces risks.
In general, sampling in mineral processing systems is done in two ways, wet and dry, depending on the process stage. The main purpose of sampling in these systems is to check effective crushing, sizing, and grade.
Automatic sampler
This equipment has the ability to ha dry minerals continuously, this equipment is mobile and is installed on a belt conveyor.
This equipment is capable of sampling at any time interval. The installation places of equipment are usually before and after a crushing process. For example, after gyrator or jaw crusher, before and after the cone crusher, before and after the HPGR .
In line with the localization of this equipment and considering the necessity of this equipment for the Iranian mineral processing plant , FMS has been the first Iranian company to design, manufacture and commission it.