Research and Development for mining
Solution provider
FMS Research and Development for mining (R&D) teams work in close cooperation with customers to develop the right solutions for their requirements. With our extensive in-house R&D, we actively developing innovative and robust solutions for the mining commodity market.
High manufacturing quality
Manufacturing in FMS are in accordance with world class standards.Automatic CNC laser cutting, plasma cutting and blending are acquired to achieve the precise part dimension.
Quality of welding, joints, assembling, painting and final tests before shipment are completely controlled by specific QC teams.

Engineering design
Up to dated 3D modeling software enhanced with standard part library ensures design accuracy before generating shop drawing for manufacturing the part prototype or final equipment.
The following image exhibits FMS triple sealing housing© designed and patented for roller screen.

Mechanical analysis
Complicated equipment is engineered by integrating finite element analysis (FEA) method into the design procedure to ensure the proper design.
Complicated equipment is engineered by integrating finite element analysis (FEA) method into the design procedure to ensure the proper design.
FEA provides information such as magnetic force, dynamic stress analysis and harmonic responses in modal analysis. The final purpose of this analysis is the optimization of components in order to guarantee stress and strain levels that avoid early fatigue failure.

Process analysis
Process analysis of beneficiation plants are performed by our engineering team in order to optimizes an existing or a newly developing plant. Simulation of mechanical material behavior is performed by professional DEM software

Track innovation reliability
Any new idea results in a prototype which firstly evaluated with laboratory tests.
Then, it is time to investigate it in a real industrial case study for final performance check. A completely life and performance approved products are reliable enough to be presented to our customers.
Following image presents AF190 coated rolls after 26 months in real action. Surface quality and roughness are completely in accordance with brand new roll.

Smart dispatching
The future of mining focuses in sustainable productivity and digitalization.
FMS smart dispatching system involving smart sensors and communication sub-system with a cloud-based data center, which gather, process and analyze data of material transporting in mine. Completely controlled material dispatching system gives data of working hours, amount of material transferred, speed, location, paths for each truck and the whole system. This smart system also known as industry 4.0, the newly industrial revolution.

Payback and ROI calculation
Sometimes there is doubt for investment while new technologies are going to be acquired in a plant.
FMS team with the help of laboratory test results and financial calculations, predicts the ROI of initial investment for customers.